Finance, Governance, Tech

Project \| W. Ding

English | 中文

  1. NFT Smart Contract & Backend Server

    A customized NFT smart contract and its corresponding backend server. The smart contract code has been published, while the backend code will not open-source. If you are interested, I would be more than willing to discuss it with you.

    This smart contract enables various functions, including creator earnings, limited-time burning, lock & unlock transfer, metadata update, and more, and there are corresponding APIs to support convenient high-concurrent front-end calls.

    This project has been featured in many reknown official Chinese media, including CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, and China Daily.

  2. Standardize Country Code

    This tool helps researcher to standardize the country names from various data source into uniformed country code.

    This dataset is now cross-sectional. A panel data that takes regime change is under consideration. Please feel free to contact me if you want to contribute!

  3. Standardize Security Code

    This project aims to provide an integrated link tables between ISIN and many other company/security identity codes.

  4. Server User Guide

    A wiki for connecting remote Linux server for academic research. Currently the website is in Chinese and English and the updates may not cover all language versions. Localization and update are welcomed!

  5. Coding Notes

    These are the notes of my coding practices, mainly written in Python. Some nice problems (from my perspective) are listed. You may take a look at those problems and try to solve it.

  6. PyReminder

    This is a Python decorator that can send email as notification. After append this decorator to the function, once the function finished, it will send you an email. This is especially useful in two scenarios:

    • Routine task: Some automation tasks executing daily, you may want an email to tell you whether it goes well or has problem.
    • Time-consuming task: For example, machine learning or large dataset processing, an email notification can let you safely work on other things and come back at right time.
  7. Error Catcher

    This is a convenient Python decorator to catch the errors information. Meanwhile, it can also capture the value of (1) variables related to that error or (2) other variables you interested at the time the error occurs. It support logging as well as printing directly. In short, this tool is more advanced and convenient than the original try & except statement in handling errors.

  8. These are link tables between SIC and various versions of Fama French industry classification.

  9. Weibo Crawler

    A comprehensive crawler for Weibo can crawl users, search, reposts, comments, topics, etc. This project is written in only Python Standard Library, based on SQLite and Queue, with support for concurrency.